- 台東馬偕紀念醫院胸腔內科主治醫師
- 馬偕醫學院醫學系兼任助理教授
- 教育部部定 助理教授
- 中山醫學大學醫學學士
- 台灣內科醫學會 內科專科醫師/內科專科指導醫師
- 台灣肺癌醫學會 肺癌專科醫師/肺癌專科臨床訓練指導醫師
- 台灣睡眠醫學學會 睡眠醫學專科醫師
- 中華民國重症醫學會 重症醫學專科醫師/重症醫學專科臨床訓練指導醫師
- 台灣結核暨肺部疾病醫學會 專科醫師
- 美國胸腔學會(American Thoracic Society)會員
- 美國睡眠醫學學會(American Academy of Sleep Medicine)會員
- 戒菸治療醫師教育訓練課程認證
論文研究 Google Scholar:
- https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=lEV9AFMAAAAJ&hl=zh-TW
- 1. CH Chen, CY Lin, MJ Peng, CL Wu. Successful Weaning from Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation after Inspiratory Muscle Training of a Patient with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Thoracic Medicine 2013; 28: 192-9
- 2. YY Liu, CY Liu, JY Hou, CY Lin, CL Chao, CH Chen, TY Huang, YW Hsu, HH Hsu, HI Yeh, SC Shih, CC Lin. Simulation-Based Education with Flipped Classrooms Improve Resident Clinical Performance in Intensive Care: a Pilot Study. J Med Education 2017; 27: 1∼8
- 3. WK Chang, CH Chen, YA Chen, MC Tang, SY Ju, SW Huang and KM Wu. Unique Pharmacokinetic Parameters with Prolonged Elimination Half-life of Oral Azithromycin and Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Phenotype in Young Taiwanese Population. International Journal of Pharmacology, 14: 981-991
- 4. SY Lu, H Lin, HT Kuo, CL Wu, WJ Wu, CH Chen, YT Liao. Design and Study of a Portable High-frequency Ventilator for Clinical Applications. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2019 Jul;2019:2353-2356
- 5. 沈靜宜, 林慶忠, 侯嘉殷, 徐永偉, 陳昭賢, 黃增裕, 趙川磊, 劉彥佑, 蔡維德, 劉家源. 擬真教學之應用與實務. 五南 2019
- 6. CJ Wang, SH Yang, CH Chen, HP Chung. Targeted Temperature Management for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: 6 Years of Experience. Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag. 2020 Sep;10(3):153-158
- 7. SC Hsueh, CM Chao, CY Wang, CC Lai, CH Chen*. Clinical efficacy and safety of cefiderocol in the treatment of acute bacterial infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2021 Feb 15;24:376-382
- 8. GR Liu, TY Lin, HT Wu, YC Sheu, CL Liu, WT Liu, MC Yang, YL Ni, KT Chou, CH Chen, D Wu, CC Lan, KL Chiu, HY Chiu, YL Lo. Large-scale assessment of consistency in sleep stage scoring rules among multiple sleep centers using an interpretable machine learning algorithm. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021 Feb 1;17(2):159-166
- 9. WT Lin, SH Hung, CC Lai, CY Wang, CH Chen*. The effect of tocilizumab on COVID-19 patient mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int Immunopharmacol. 2021 Mar 24;96:107602
- 10. YC Kuo, CC Lai, YH Wang, CH Chen*, CY Wang. Clinical efficacy and safety of baloxavir marboxil in the treatment of influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2021 Apr 29;S1684-1182(21)00092-X.
- 11. CH Chen, HC Lin, YH Wang, CY Wang, YS Lin, CC Lai. The safety of nintedanib for the treatment of interstitial lung disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS One. 2021 May 14;16(5):e0251636.
- 12. CC Lai, YH Wang, KH Chen, CH Chen*, CY Wang. The Association between the Risk of Aortic Aneurysm/Aortic Dissection and the Use of Fluroquinolones: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Jun 10;10(6):697
- 13. CC Lai, CH Chen, CY Wang, KH Chen, YH Wang, PR Hsueh. Clinical efficacy and safety of remdesivir in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2021 Jul 15;76(8):1962-1968.
- 14. LT Wang, WT Lin, CC Lai, YH Wang, CH Chen, YT Chang, CH Chen*, CY Wang. The safety of ceftolozane-tazobactam for the treatment of acute bacterial infections: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2021 Jul.
- 15. CH Chen, CY Wang, CC Lai. Concerns About Study on Fluoroquinolone Use and Risk of Development Of Aortic Aneurysm. JAMA Surg. 2021 Jul 7
- 16. CH Chen, CY Wang, CC Lai. The Association Between Fluoroquinolone Use and the Outcome of Aortic Aneurysm or Dissection. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Aug 10;78(6):638-639
- 17. CW Lee, CY Liu, CH Chen, MS Wang, YJ Wu, CC Lin. Simulation-Based Education Can Help Resident’s Readiness in Critical Care and Medical Ethical Issues. Int J Gerontol. 2021;15:138-44
- 18. CY Chen, CH Chen, CY Wang, CC Lai, CM Chao, YF Wei. The effect of additional antimicrobial therapy on the outcomes of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Respir Res. 2021 Sep 15;22(1):243
- 19. CH Chen, CL Liu, YC Lai, CC Lin, MC Pai, KC Kuo, HP Chung, CY Lin. Sleep in Elderly Patients under Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: An Observational Study. International Journal of Gerontology. 2021 Oct
- 20. CC Lai, CH Chen, YH Wang, CY Wang, HC Wang. The impact of the overuse of short-acting β2-agonists on the risk of sepsis and septic shock. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Jan 30;S0091-6749(22)00128-2
- 21. CY Wang, CH Chen, CC Lai. Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG on Incident Pneumonia in Critically Ill Patients. JAMA. 2022;327(2):181-182
- 22. CH Chen, CY Wang, CC Lai. Association of Tramadol vs Codeine Prescription Dispensation With Mortality and Other Adverse Outcomes. JAMA. 2022;327(5):488
- 23. CH Chen, CY Wang, CC Lai. Inhaled Ciclesonide for Patients With Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and COVID-19. JAMA Intern Med. 2022;182(5):571-572
- 24. CC Lai, CH Chen, KH Chen, CY Wang, TM Huang, YH Wang, HC Wang. The Impact of 52-Week Single Inhaler Device Triple Therapy versus Dual Therapy on the Mortality of COPD Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Life (Basel). 2022 Jan 25;12(2):173
- 25. WT Lin, SH Hung, CC Lai, CY Wang, CH Chen*. The impact of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies on the outcomes of COVID-19 outpatients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Med Virol. 2022 May;94(5):2222-222
- 26. Chen CH, Wang CY, Wang YH, Chen CY, Chen KH, Lai CC, Wei YF, Fu PK. The effect of inhaled corticosteroids on the outcomes of patients with COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2022 May;15(5):593-600.
- 27. Chung HP, Wu KL, Lin CY, Tang YH, Chen CH*, Wu JC, Chen YT, Kuo KC, Chang WK. Characteristics and outcomes of hospitalized geriatric patients with COVID-19 infection in Taiwan. Int J Gerontol. 2022;16(3):207-212
- 28. Tang YH, Hsu SF, Chung HP, Chen CH, Chang WK, Kuo KC, Chen YT, Wu JC, Lin CY, Wang CJ. Use of the prone position in critically ill COVID-19 patients: Can the response be predicted? Int J Gerontol. 2022;16(3):191-195.
- 29. Lai CC, Wang YH, Chen KH, Chen CH*, Wang CY. The clinical efficacy and safety of anti-viral agents for non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Viruses. 2022 Aug 2;14(8):1706
- 30. Kuo KC, Chen CH, Wang CJ, Wu JC, Chung HP, Chen YT, Tang YH, Chang WK, Lin CY, Wu CL. Clinical benefits of inhaled ciclesonide for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection: a retrospective study. BMC Pulm Med. 2022 Sep 28;22(1):368
- 31. Chen CH, Wang CJ, Wang IT, Yang SH, Wang YH, Lin CY. Does One Size Fit All? External Validation of the rCAST Score to Predict the Hospital Outcomes of Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients Receiving Targeted Temperature Management. J Clin Med. 2022 Dec 28;12(1):242
- 32. Chung HP, Tang YH, Chen CY, Chen CH, Chang WK, Kuo KC, Chen YT, Wu JC, Lin CY, Wang CJ. Outcome prediction in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Comparison of the performance of five severity scores. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Feb 8;10:1121465
- 33. Yu PT, Chen CH, Wang CJ, Kuo KC, Wu JC, Chung HP, Chen YT, Tang YH, Chang WK, Lin CY, Wu CL. Predicting the successful application of high-flow nasal oxygen cannula in patients with COVID-19 respiratory failure: a retrospective analysis. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2023 Apr 5;1-10
- 34. Wang IT, Wang CJ, Chen CH, Yang SH, Chen CY, Huang YC, Lin CY, Wu CL. Optimal Timing of Targeted Temperature Management for Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: Is Sooner Better? J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12(7), 2628
- 35. Chen CH, Chen CY, Lai CC, Wang YH, Chen KH, Wang CY, Wei YF, Fu PK. The association between inhaled corticosteroid and the risks of SARS-COV-2 infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Infect Public Health. 2023 May;16(5):823-830